Adrenal Harmony Gold for Cushing's Disease in Dogs

Pet Wellbeing SKU: PW3001


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4 oz

Adrenal Harmony Gold for Dogs Cushing's

Cushing's disease in dogs' results from an excess of adrenal gland hormones including cortisol. It is a common side-effect of drugs such as corticosteroids, which are often prescribed to treat canine arthritis, allergies and other ailments. Cushing's disease can also result from a benign tumor on one of the adrenal glands or the pituitary gland.


  • Supports cortisol balance
  • Promotes normal thirst and urination
  • Suitable For Dogs only.
  • Healthy skin and coat, normal hair growth
  • Supports healthy weight, normal appetite, proper muscle tone
  • Made in Canada

Directions For Use

Weight  Daily Feeding
Under 30 lb. Give one drop per 2 lb (1 kg) of body weight
30 - 34 lb. 0.75 ml
35 - 44 lb. 1.0 ml
45 - 64 lb. 1.25 ml
65 - 79 lb. 1.5 ml
80 - 99 lb. 1.75 ml
100 - 119 lb. 2.0 ml 
120+ lb. 2.25 ml

Shake well before use. Does not require refrigeration.


  • Fresh Ashwagandha root (Withania somniferum): A primary adaptogen in this formula, Ashwagandha assists the adrenal glands directly to respond normally and produce healthy amounts of cortisol. This is a well-known herb for helping the body's stress levels and supporting normal, restful sleep.
  • Holy Basil leaf (Ocimum sanctum): Also called Tulsi, Holy Basil is a gentle adaptogen for supporting the adrenal glands. Of key importance, adaptogens will neither cause the body to relax nor become stimulated, necessarily. Rather, their action is to assist the body to adapt as needed and bring it back into balance. For that reason, adaptogens are used for a variety of reasons when normal adrenal function is desired.
  • Fresh Turmeric rhizome (Curcuma longa): One of the best antioxidant herbs available, Turmeric also supports liver health. Turmeric can be difficult for the body to absorb. Our extraction method using fresh, organic Turmeric is an extremely potent liquid extract, much stronger than a simple glycerin extraction. It captures all of the useful constituents of this herb, including curcumin and other curcuminoids.
  • Bacopa herb (Bacopa monnieri): Bacopa exhibits uses both as an adaptogen and as an antioxidant. It has also been used for stress and is said to generally contribute to healthy moods and cognitive function.
  • Astragalus root (Astragalus membranaceus): Another popular adaptogen, Astragalus helps the body's normal ability to adapt to stress. It also contains polysaccharides, constituents that assist the body's normal immune response to fight off bacteria and viruses.
  • Milk Thistle seed (Silybum marianum): A gentle and effective herb for normal liver function, Milk Thistle supports the liver's metabolization of drugs and toxins for excretion. Another function of the liver is to denature (take apart) circulating hormones, thereby helping to keep the balance of hormones in the body.
  • Blessed Thistle flower (Cnicus benedictus): Blessed or Holy Thistle has similar uses as Milk Thistle for liver support. Additionally, it has been shown to exhibit support for the immune system and digestion.
  • Chaste Tree berry (Vitex agnus-castus): Used for its gentle, tonic action on the anterior pituitary, Vitex is an amphoteric herb, meaning it will help maintain normal hormonal levels, rather than cause them to go higher or lower. Vitex is included in this formula for its affect on the pituitary's action in adrenal hormone regulation.
  • Prickly Ash bark (Zanthoxylum americanum): Used by many First Nations communities at one time, the bark of the Prickly Ash tree has been termed an "alterative", meaning that it will help support normal flow of lymphatic circulation. It also helps maintain normal arterial and capillary circulation.


  • If animal's condition worsens or does not improve, stop product administration and consult your veterinarian.
  • Do not use during pregnancy.
  • Do not use with blood thinners.
  • Use with caution if also administering drugs prescribed for Cushing's disease.
  • May be a GI irritant.
  • An examination from a veterinarian is recommended prior to using this product.
  • Not for human consumption. Keep out of reach of children and animals. In case of accidental overdose, contact a health professional immediately.

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