Clear Water, Healthy Fish: Weco Nox-Ich
Weco Nox-Ich is your weapon to fight off ich and other external parasites that infest your fish. This strong treatment, in an especially formulated way, can kill mostly white spot diseases other parasites such as velvet and trichina will do their magic in no time. NOX-ICH is safe to use both in freshwater and marine aquariums and is easily applied, fast action to relieve your fish from these disastrous conditions. It acts right at contact with parasites to ensure that your aquatic pets get better as soon as possible and are healthy.
Weco Nox-Ich ensures effective and efficient treatment and control of parasites in fresh and marine water aquariums. Fast-acting, it makes sure your fish receive quick relief and recovery to ensure a healthy and thriving aquatic environment.
Key Benefits:
- Effective Against Ich: Nox-Ich is an ich parasite designed to inflict small, white, cyst-like spots on the skin, gills, and fins.
- Fast Acting: It acts fast to stop the lifecycle of these parasites, minimizing further damage to the infected fish and preventing the spread of the disease to other aquatic life in the tank.
- Ease of use: Nox-Ich can be dosed directly into the aquarium water without any hassle. Dosage is simple, usually a few drops per gallon of aquarium water, but that might vary based on product instructions.
- Treats Other Parasites: Other than ich, Nox-Ich also can help in the case of other external parasites attacking fish, like velvet disease caused by sodium or other protozoan infections.
- Minimal Stress to Fish: When used as directed, Nox-Ich is non-toxic to fish and produces minimal stress in treatment. This is rather important to ensure further health and recovery of the afflicted aquatic life.
- Generally Safe to Aquarium Environment: Generally safe for freshwater tanks, with no adverse effects on the biological filter and water chemistry, although care must be taken in tanks housing particularly sensitive species.
How does Nox-Ich work?
Nox-Ich disrupts the parasites' life cycle on contact, thus killing them and preventing the spread of infection in your aquarium.
Is Nox-Ich safe to use on all fish species?
Nox-Ich is safe to use on most fish species; however, one should always check for any sensitivities, especially scaleless fish and invertebrates.
How do I dose my aquarium with Nox-Ich?
Please refer to the packaging for specific dosing instructions based on your aquarium size. Generally speaking, dosing is adjusted based on the severity of the infestation.
Is Nox-Ich safe to use in a planted tank?
Nox-Ich can generally be used safely enough in planted tanks, but caution should be exercised because some plant species can be sensitive to this medication.
How soon will I be able to start seeing its results after the use of Nox-Ich?
No less than 24 to 48 hours in most cases, depending on the level of infestation and water conditions.
Must I remove my biological filtration before administering Nox-Ich?
There is no need to remove biological filters when dosing with Nox-Ich; however, close monitoring of water quality during treatment cannot be overemphasized.
Is Nox-Ich available for preventative purposes?
While designed to treat active infections, Nox-Ich is also used prophylactically when adding new fish to an aquarium.
What are the active ingredients in Nox-Ich?
The active ingredients generally include malachite green and other compounds effective against parasites.
Will Nox-Ich affect the water chemistry?
Nox-Ich does not impact water parameters much if at all, but it's always better to keep them as stable as possible while using the treatment.
How frequently should I administer the Nox-Ich treatment to my aquarium?
Treatment schedules differ; usually refer to a course suggested on the product label, often multiple treatments until parasites show no more signs.
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$19.99 | $24.99
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$19.99 | $24.99
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$19.99 | $24.99
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