API Accu-Clear Quick Water Clarifier



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API Accu-Clear Quick Water Clarifier

API Accu-Clear Quick Water Clarifier is the ideal solution for aquarium enthusiasts facing the common issue of cloudy or murky water. This advanced formula is designed to tackle the most prevalent pain points in aquarium care—such as water haziness caused by tiny floating particles—by rapidly clearing up the water and restoring its pristine clarity.

Whether you’re managing a small tank or a large freshwater aquarium, API Accu-Clear ensures optimal water quality and enhances the visual appeal of your aquatic environment. Unlike some competitor products, API Accu-Clear works quickly and effectively, saving you from multiple treatments or frustrating waits.

Benefits of API Accu-Clear Water Clarifier:

  • Rapid Clarity: Clears cloudy water within hours by clumping floating particles together, making them easier to be removed by your filter.
  • Safe for Freshwater Fish & Plants: This clarifier is entirely safe for use in freshwater aquariums with fish, plants, and even in tanks with low salt concentrations.
  • Easy-to-Use Dosing: Precise dosing instructions make it easy to apply without overuse.
  • Prevents Filter Overload: Helps reduce the strain on your aquarium’s filter system by making particles easier to remove.
  • Effective Routine Maintenance: Can be used weekly for routine maintenance to maintain water clarity.


API Accu-Clear contains a proprietary blend of safe and non-toxic flocculating agents designed to bind small particles in your aquarium water.

How It Works

API Accu-Clear operates by binding tiny suspended particles in aquarium water into larger clumps, making it easier for your filter to catch them. Once these particles are clustered, they can either settle at the bottom of the tank or be siphoned out. This process clears the water without causing harm to freshwater fish or plants, helping maintain the health and visual appeal of your aquarium.

Directions for Use

  1. Add 2 ml of API Accu-Clear per 10 U.S. gallons (38L) of freshwater.
  2. For larger aquariums, dose 10 ml per 50 U.S. gallons (190L).
  3. If water remains cloudy after 24 hours, reapply as necessary, but avoid overdosing.
  4. For ongoing maintenance, dose once per week to maintain clarity.

Side Effects of API Accu-Clear Quick Water Clarifier

  • API Accu-Clear is generally safe when used as directed. Overdosing may worsen cloudiness or stress aquatic life.


  • Keep out of reach of children.
  • Avoid contact with eyes.
  • Only use in freshwater aquariums. API Accu-Clear is not suitable for marine environments.


  • Do not overdose the product as repeated overuse can lead to more cloudiness and potential harm to aquatic life.
  • If cloudiness persists after two doses, consider doing a 25% water change to reset the tank’s conditions.


  • API Accu-Clear should not be used in saltwater aquariums or high-salinity environments, as it may exacerbate water cloudiness and is ineffective in clearing particles in those conditions.


  • Store API Accu-Clear in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight.
  • Ensure the container is sealed tightly to maintain product efficacy.

Shipping & Returns

  • Shipping Policy: We offer all types of shipping options (Ground, Express, Priority, International) depending on the urgency of the product requirements. To know about our shipping policy in detail, click here.
  • Refund policy: If you face any issue with our product and want to return it, read our refund policy carefully.

Top 10 FAQs - API Accu-Clear Quick Water Clarifier

What is API Accu-Clear Quick Water Clarifier used for?

API Accu-Clear Quick Water Clarifier is designed to clear cloudy or hazy water in freshwater aquariums by clumping tiny suspended particles together, allowing your filter to remove them more easily. This results in crystal-clear water, improving the health and appearance of your aquarium.

How fast does API Accu-Clear Quick Water Clarifier work?

API Accu-Clear typically begins working within a few hours. You may notice significant improvements in water clarity within 24 hours. If the water remains cloudy, a second dose may be applied after 24 hours.

Can I use API Accu-Clear Quick Water Clarifier in a saltwater aquarium?

No, API Accu-Clear Quick Water Clarifier is specifically formulated for freshwater aquariums. It should not be used in marine or saltwater tanks, as it may worsen water clarity due to high mineral content.

Is API Accu-Clear safe for fish and plants?

Yes, API Accu-Clear is safe for all freshwater fish and plants when used as directed. It does not alter water chemistry and is non-toxic, ensuring the safety of your aquatic life.

Can API Accu-Clear be used with other aquarium treatments?

Yes, API Accu-Clear can be used alongside other aquarium treatments. However, it's recommended to allow a few hours between different treatments to avoid potential interactions.

Does API Accu-Clear affect water pH levels?

No, API Accu-Clear does not affect the pH levels or other chemical balances in your aquarium. It works solely by clumping particles together to help clear the water.

How often can I use API Accu-Clear Quick Water Clarifier?

You can use API Accu-Clear once a week for routine water maintenance. For persistent cloudiness, a second dose can be applied 24 hours after the first. Avoid overuse, as overdosing may lead to more cloudiness.

Can API Accu-Clear help with green water caused by algae?

API Accu-Clear may reduce the visual cloudiness caused by algae, but it does not address the root cause of algae growth. Consider using an algae control treatment if you are dealing with an algae bloom.

Should I turn off the aquarium filter when using API Accu-Clear?

No, you should keep the filter running while using API Accu-Clear. The product works by clumping particles that your filter will remove, so turning off the filter would prevent effective cleanup.

Can API Accu-Clear harm beneficial bacteria in my aquarium?

No, API Accu-Clear does not harm the beneficial bacteria that help maintain your aquarium's biological balance. It only targets floating particles, leaving essential bacteria unaffected.

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