API Turtle Sludge Destroyer Aquarium Cleaner



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API Turtle Sludge Destroyer Aquarium Cleaner

API Turtle Sludge Destroyer is a highly effective aquarium cleaner specifically formulated for turtle tanks, vivariums, and aquatic environments. 

It utilizes powerful beneficial bacteria to break down organic waste, such as uneaten food and turtle waste, that can accumulate over time, creating unpleasant odors and water cloudiness. 

This product not only cleans your aquarium but also reduces maintenance by preventing sludge buildup, ultimately improving water clarity and odor control. Regular use ensures a healthier and more pleasant environment for your aquatic pets.

Benefits of API Turtle Sludge Destroyer

  • Reduces Sludge and Organic Waste: The natural bacteria in the formula efficiently break down sludge and biological waste, minimizing build-up and reducing the need for frequent water changes.

  • Prevents Odors: By breaking down organic materials, the product eliminates foul odors, keeping your turtle tank smelling fresh.

  • Improves Water Clarity: Clearer water results from reducing waste, contributing to a healthier environment for turtles and aquatic life.

  • Maintains a Balanced Ecosystem: Helps create a stable biological environment by promoting beneficial bacteria that support natural filtration.

  • Less Frequent Maintenance: With organic waste under control, tank cleaning becomes less frequent and easier to manage.

  • Safe for Aquatic Life: The formula is safe for turtles, fish, plants, and other aquatic creatures when used as directed.

Product Specification

  • Target Species: Turtles, aquatic reptiles, and fish in freshwater environments.

  • Formulation: Beneficial bacteria to digest organic waste.

  • Compatibility: Safe for aquariums, vivariums, and turtle tanks.

  • Primary Use: Reduces sludge, eliminates odors, and maintains water clarity.

How Does It Work?

  • API Turtle Sludge Destroyer introduces a specialized blend of beneficial bacteria into your aquarium or turtle tank. 

  • These bacteria naturally break down organic matter such as turtle waste, uneaten food, and decaying plant material, reducing sludge accumulation over time. 

  • By digesting these harmful substances, the product not only clears the water but also prevents unpleasant odors and helps maintain a healthy, balanced ecosystem in the tank.

Directions for Use

  • Dosage: Add 1 ml per 2 gallons of aquarium or vivarium water. Alternatively, use 1 tsp per 10 gallons for larger tanks.

  • Extremely Dirty Tanks: In heavily soiled aquariums, you can safely double the dosage for a stronger cleaning effect.

  • Application: Dose the tank weekly or after performing a water change for consistent maintenance.


  • For optimal results, API Turtle Sludge Destroyer should be used once a week.

  • You can also dose it during or after water changes to maintain a clean and healthy environment. 

  • In cases where sludge build-up is excessive, increase the frequency and dosage to twice weekly until conditions improve.


  • The product comes in liquid form, which is easily dispersible in water. 

  • Make sure to shake the bottle well before each use to ensure the bacteria are evenly distributed throughout the liquid. 

  • The bacteria work best in aquariums with consistent water flow, so leave your filter on during application.

Side Effects

  • API Turtle Sludge Destroyer is generally safe for all aquatic life, including turtles, fish, and plants, when used according to the recommended dosage. 

  • However, over-application may temporarily cloud the water as the bacteria work to digest excess waste. This is normal and will clear up after a short period.

Note: The information discussed here is general. It is recommended to consult your aquatic veterinarians and ichthyologists depending on your fish's conditions.

Safety Instructions

  • Always wash your hands thoroughly after handling the product or cleaning your tank.

  • Keep out of reach of children and pets.

  • Avoid inhaling or ingesting the product; it is not intended for human consumption.


  • Do not overdose. Excessive use of beneficial bacteria could lead to temporary water cloudiness.

  • Ensure that your tank's filter system remains active during treatment to distribute the product evenly.

  • Store the product in a safe location, away from direct sunlight and extreme temperatures.


  • Store API Turtle Sludge Destroyer in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight. 

  • Always ensure the cap is tightly sealed to maintain the integrity of the product. 

  • Keep it out of reach of children and pets.

Shipping & Returns

  • Shipping Policy: We offer all types of shipping options (Ground, Express, Priority, International) depending on the urgency of the product requirements. To know about our shipping policy in detail, click here.
  • Refund policy: If you face any issue with our product and want to return it, read our refund policy carefully.

FAQs about API Turtle Sludge Destroyer

What is API Turtle Sludge Destroyer used for?

API Turtle Sludge Destroyer is used to break down organic waste, such as turtle waste and uneaten food, in aquariums and turtle tanks, helping reduce sludge buildup, eliminate odors, and improve water clarity.

Can I use API Turtle Sludge Destroyer with fish in the tank?

Yes, API Turtle Sludge Destroyer is safe for use in aquariums with fish, turtles, and aquatic plants when used according to the recommended dosage.

How quickly does API Turtle Sludge Destroyer work?

The bacteria start working immediately upon entering the tank, but noticeable improvements in water clarity and odor control can typically be seen within 24-48 hours.

Can API Turtle Sludge Destroyer be used with water conditioners?

Yes, it can be used alongside water conditioners, but it is recommended to wait at least 24 hours after applying water conditioners before adding the sludge destroyer.

Will API Turtle Sludge Destroyer harm my filter media?

No, API Turtle Sludge Destroyer is safe for all types of filter media and will not interfere with mechanical or biological filtration systems.

Can I use API Turtle Sludge Destroyer in saltwater tanks?

No, this product is designed specifically for freshwater environments, including turtle tanks and aquariums, and should not be used in saltwater tanks.

Does API Turtle Sludge Destroyer help with algae control?

While it primarily targets organic waste, API Turtle Sludge Destroyer can indirectly reduce algae growth by eliminating excess nutrients that algae feed on.

Is API Turtle Sludge Destroyer safe for turtles that drink the water?

Yes, it is safe for turtles and other aquatic life even if they drink the water treated with the product.

How long should I wait before adding new turtles or fish after using API Turtle Sludge Destroyer?

You can introduce new aquatic life immediately after using the product, as it is safe for all tank inhabitants when used as directed.

Can I use API Turtle Sludge Destroyer in conjunction with other bacterial supplements?

It is generally safe to use API Turtle Sludge Destroyer with other bacterial products, but it's advisable to monitor water quality closely when combining treatments.

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