Zilla Turtle PURE Water Care (4 Balls)

Zilla SKU: 100550986


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Zilla Turtle PURE Water Care 4 Balls

Keeping an aquatic turtle's habitat clean and healthy can be a time-consuming task due to the buildup of waste and sludge. Zilla Turtle PURE Water Care simplifies this process by introducing beneficial bacteria and enzymes that naturally break down organic waste. 

This product not only keeps your tank cleaner but also helps reduce odors and prevents filter clogs, creating a balanced and stable environment. Designed for easy use, Zilla Turtle PURE comes in pre-measured, dissolvable balls, making it a perfect addition to your weekly care routine.

It’s safe, effective and ensures your turtle thrives in a healthier habitat with minimal maintenance on your part.

Benefits of Zilla Turtle PURE Water Care

  • Efficient Waste Breakdown: Zilla Turtle PURE contains beneficial bacteria that actively break down organic sludge, reducing the need for frequent water changes.

  • Odor Control: The enzymes in the formula help reduce unpleasant odors by eliminating waste buildup, keeping your tank fresh.

  • Filter Protection: The product reduces clogging in aquarium filters by minimizing sludge buildup.

  • Safe and Simple Dosing: You can’t overdose with Zilla Turtle PURE—just drop one ball into the tank per 10 gallons of water for easy, consistent treatment.

  • Cost-Effective: Fewer water changes and less frequent filter maintenance result in long-term savings.

  • Improves Water Quality: Helps maintain clear, balanced water, supporting overall turtle health.

  • Compatible with Filters: Works well with Zilla Aquatic Reptile Internal Filter with SmartClean Technology for best results.

  • Minimal Maintenance: By integrating this into your weekly routine, you can enjoy more time with your turtle and less time cleaning.

What are the Components of Zilla Turtle PURE Water Care?

Zilla Turtle PURE contains a scientifically balanced mix of beneficial bacteria and organic enzymes. These natural components work synergistically to break down waste and sludge, prevent ammonia buildup, and maintain clear water for your turtle.

Product Specification

  • Type: Aquarium water care

  • Form: Dissolvable balls

  • Usage: Suitable for turtle habitats

  • Size: One ball treats up to 10 gallons of water

  • Frequency: Weekly use for optimal results

  • Compatibility: Works with or without filters; best results when used with Zilla SmartClean Technology filters.

How Does Zilla Turtle PURE Water Care Work?

Zilla Turtle PURE Water Care works by slowly releasing beneficial bacteria and enzymes into your turtle’s habitat. These bacteria naturally break down organic matter like turtle waste, leftover food, and other debris that accumulate in the water. 

This process helps prevent sludge buildup, reduces odors, and keeps the water clear and balanced. 

It also reduces strain on your filtration system, preventing clogging and extending filter life by minimizing the waste.

How to Use?

  • Dosage: Add one ball per 10 gallons of water every week.

  • Application: You can place the ball directly into the water or for best results, place it inside the filter.

  • Frequency: Use weekly for continuous water quality maintenance.

  • Precautions: Do not exceed the recommended dosage. Always ensure proper water filtration and aeration in the tank.

  • Consistency: Keep your usage consistent, applying the treatment every week to maintain optimal water conditions.

  • Storage: Store unused balls in a cool, dry place. Always keep them sealed until ready for use to preserve the effectiveness of the bacteria.

Note: The information discussed here is general. Read the information mentioned on the product label carefully, or consult your veterinarian for proper guidance.

Safety Instructions

  • Do not open the product until ready to use.

  • Ensure the tank has adequate filtration and aeration.

  • Keep out of reach of children and pets.

  • Avoid inhalation or direct contact with eyes.


  • Store Zilla Turtle PURE in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight. 

  • Ensure the product is kept sealed when not in use to maintain the effectiveness of the bacteria and enzymes. 

  • Only open the number of balls needed for immediate use.

Shipping & Returns

  • Shipping Policy: We offer all types of shipping options (Ground, Express, Priority, International) depending on the urgency of the product requirements. To learn more about our shipping policy, click here.
  • Refund Policy: If you face any issue with our product and want to return it, read our refund policy carefully.

FAQs About Zilla Turtle PURE Water Care 

What is Zilla Turtle PURE Water Care used for?

Zilla Turtle PURE Water Care is used to maintain clean, clear water in aquatic turtle habitats by breaking down organic waste, reducing sludge, and minimizing odors, helping to create a balanced and healthy environment.

Can Zilla Turtle PURE be used in tanks with other reptiles or fish?

Yes, Zilla Turtle PURE is safe for use in any freshwater tank, including those housing reptiles or fish. However, it's specifically formulated to target waste commonly produced by aquatic turtles.

How long does each Zilla Turtle PURE ball last?

Each Zilla Turtle PURE ball lasts for up to one week. For continuous maintenance, add one ball per 10 gallons of water weekly.

Can I use Zilla Turtle PURE with other water conditioners?

Yes, Zilla Turtle PURE is compatible with most other water conditioners, but avoid chemical treatments that could interfere with the beneficial bacteria’s function.

Will Zilla Turtle PURE prevent algae growth?

While Zilla Turtle PURE helps control organic waste and sludge, it is not designed to prevent algae growth. Regular tank cleaning and balanced lighting are still necessary to control algae.

How often should I clean my tank when using Zilla Turtle PURE?

Zilla Turtle PURE reduces the frequency of tank cleaning by breaking down waste, but you should still clean the tank when necessary, based on water quality and the number of turtles.

Is Zilla Turtle PURE safe for baby turtles?

Yes, Zilla Turtle PURE is safe for turtles of all ages, including hatchlings. Ensure that dosing is appropriate for the size of the tank and the number of turtles.

Does Zilla Turtle PURE affect the pH of the water?

No, Zilla Turtle PURE does not alter the pH of the water. It specifically works on organic waste breakdown without impacting water chemistry.

What should I do if I accidentally use too many Zilla Turtle PURE balls?

Zilla Turtle PURE cannot overdose, but if too many balls are added, it’s best to remove the extra ones to avoid unnecessary buildup in your tank.

Can Zilla Turtle PURE be used in ponds?

Zilla Turtle PURE is designed for aquariums, but it may be used in small ponds with appropriate filtration. Ensure that the dosage is adjusted to the pond’s water volume.

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