Temaril-P (trimeprazine with prednisolone) Tablets

Zoetis SKU: 10000326


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Temaril-P (trimeprazine with prednisolone) Tablets

The exclusive Temaril-P formula combines the antipruritic and antitussive action of trimeprazine with the anti-inflammatory action of prednisolone. A therapeutic effect is attained by administering the tablets twice daily.

Temaril-P is recommended for the relief of itching regardless of cause. Its usefulness has been demonstrated for the relief of itching and the reduction of inflammation commonly associated with most skin disorders of dogs such as the eczema caused by internal disorders, otitis, and dermatitis (allergic, parastitic, pustular, and nonspecific). It often relives pruritus which does not respond to other therapy. with any prurtitus treatment, the cause should be determined and corrected; otherwise, signs are likely to recur following discontinuance of therapy.

Temaril-P has been found to be effective therapy and adjunctive therapy in various cough conditions in dogs. Therefore in addition to its antipruritic action, Temaril-P is recommended for the treatment of "kennel cough" or tracheobronchitis, bronhitis including all allergic bronchitis, and infections and coughs of nonspecific orgin. 

Possible Side Effects

If any of the following serious side effects occur, stop giving Temaril-P and seek emergency veterinary medical attention; an allergic reaction (difficulty breathing; swelling of the lips, tongue or face; hives). Trimeprazine can cause drowsiness, tremors and muscle weakness. Prednisolone may cause symptoms of Cushing's disease which include increased thirst, urination and hunger as well as vomiting and diarrhea. Other side effects may also occur. Talk to your veterinarian about any side effect that seems unusual or bothersome to your pet.

Recommended Dosage

Use as directed by your veterinarian.

Storage Instructions

Store in a cool, dry place at temperatures below 77°F.

All prescription items are Non-Refundable and Non-Returnable.

Please note product may arrive in a Hardy Paw Pharmacy vial, manufacturer packaging is shown for reference.