Merrick Backcountry Healthy Grains Premium Dry Puppy Kibble With Freeze Dried Raw Chicken

Merrick SKU: 50711


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Merrick Backcountry Raw Infused Puppy Food Recipe With Healthy Grains, Freeze Dried Dog Food is an ancestral canine diet with the protein-rich ingredients puppies crave. This freeze dried dog food for puppies provides the nutritional benefits of a raw dog food they would have discovered in the wild in a safe and convenient puppy food that's easy to serve. Real deboned chicken is always the first ingredient in this natural dog food raw infused recipe. Salmon is blended in, crafting a high protein dog food recipe with the taste dogs go wild for. Merrick Backcountry dog food offers a unique combination of freeze-dried raw-coated kibble plus real freeze-dried raw dog food bites, for a dry dog food with grains that helps build and maintain muscle tissue and energy levels. This healthy dog food dry recipe is made without peas or lentils and features whole grains to help support healthy digestion. Merrick dog food recipes are proudly founded in Hereford, TX, crafted in USA facilities.

Why We Love It

  • Merrick Backcountry Healthy Grains Freeze Dried Raw Pieces Plus Kibble Dry Puppy Food. Natural Kibble With Added Vitamins, Minerals and Nutrients, Chicken And Salmon
  • Real deboned chicken is the first ingredient in this wholesome high protein puppy dog food crafted with a blend of whole grains like oats to support healthy digestion
  • Puppy recipe with chicken, salmon and grains inspired by ancestral canine diets, features a holistic blend of kibble and freeze dried raw bites to deliver the nutritional benefits of an ancestral diet


Deboned Chicken, Chicken Meal, Brown Rice, Oatmeal, Barley, Turkey Meal, Chicken Fat, Potato Protein, Salmon, Natural Flavor, Salmon Oil, Dried Yeast, Potassium Chloride, Chicken Liver, Tapioca, Salt, Choline Chloride, Minerals (Zinc Amino Acid Complex, Iron Amino Acid Complex, Sodium Selenite, Manganese Amino Acid Complex, Copper Amino Acid Complex, Calcium Iodate), DL-Methionine, Taurine, Vitamins (Vitamin E Supplement, Vitamin B12 Supplement, Vitamin A Supplement, Niacin, Thiamine Mononitrate, Riboflavin Supplement, dCalcium Pantothenate, Folic Acid, Menadione Sodium Bisulfite Complex, Biotin, Pyridoxine Hydrochloride, Vitamin D3 Supplement), Mixed Tocopherols for freshness. 2B20500

Crude Protein (min) 30%, Crude Fat (min) 16%, Crude Fiber (max) 3.5%, Moisture (max) 11%, Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) (min) 0.2%, Omega-6 fatty acids* (min) 2.6%, Omega-3 fatty acids* (min) 0.3%, Glucosamine* (min) 400 mg/kg, Chondroitin Sulfate* (min) 400 mg/kg, Taurine* (min) 0.17%. *Not recognized as an essential nutrient by the AAFCO Dog Food Nutrient Profiles.

Guaranteed Analysis

Nutrient Guaranteed Units
Crude Protein 30% min
Crude Fat 16% min
Crude Fiber 3.5% max
Moisture 11% max
DHA .2% min